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Ceph Grafana

DaeGon Kim
3 min readFeb 20, 2024

Ceph includes alertmanager, grafana, prometheus, node-exporter in default installation. From Quincy, Loki and Promtail can be optionally deployed. In this article, we will take a look at Grafana interface. The Ceph Quincy version is used here.

First, we need to find where the Grafana can be accessed.

sudo ceph orch ls
sudo ceph orch ps --daemon_type grafana

As shown above, a grafana instance is running on experiment-ceph-mon1:3000.

Ceph Grafana Webpage

By default, the anonymous access is enabled. There are many pre-installed dashboards.

Pre-installed Dashboards from Ceph Grafana

The access information to these modules (alertmanager, grafana and prometheus) are also stored in the Ceph Dashboard. They are located at
Cluster >> Manager Modules >> dashboard. These are for the Ceph Dashboard to access the resources provided by the modules.

To disable the anonymous access and set the initial password, we can specify them in a yaml file and then apply it using ceph orch apply -i command. An example of…



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